GM Production (Refactory) – Odisha. -


BE Ceramic / Chemical.


Minimum 10 - 15 yrs.

Skills Required

Should have experience as a Production In-charge of a Castable Plant.
Experience in making Composition of Castable,
Costing of Product since enquiry stage.
Selection of Raw Material. Testing and clearance.
Formula standardization as per customer’s requirement considering the Price.
Rendering Technical support to Marketing and Sales.
Management Representative of I.S.O.
Administration of Plant.
Development of the Castable Plant from the beginning.
Monthly Submission of Report : Margin of each Product (Customer wise) with Cost and sales.
Value of Inventory of Product and Raw Materials. Formula standardized.
Product Range : All kinds of Castable, Precast Shapes, High Alumina Bricks.

Please send your updated cv with present salary, mentioning position name in the subject line to: /

Job Resposibility

Acting as overall Production In-charge of a Castable Plant.
Making Composition of Castable.
Costing of Product since enquiry stage.
Selection of Raw Material. Testing and clearance.
Formula standardization as per customer’s requirement considering the Price.
Rendering Technical support to Marketing and Sales.
Management Representative of I.S.O.
Administration of Plant.
Development of the Castable Plant from the beginning.
Monthly Submission of Report : Margin of each Product (Customer wise) with Cost and sales.
Value of Inventory of Product and Raw Materials. Formula standardized.
Product Range : All kinds of Castable, Precast Shapes, High Alumina Bricks.


As per industry Standard.

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